HND2022 Conference Proceedings
Proceedings Info
Invited Presentations (IP)
Panel Discussion (PD) Nuclear for Climate – Some Basic Preconditions
Session 1 Nuclear Safety Analyses (NSA)
S1-150 Davor Grgić, Vesna Benčik, Siniša Šadek, Paulina Dučkić: “Influence of Reactivity Feedback Modelling in RELAP5 NEK LONF ATWS Calculation”
S1-182 Josip Vuković, Davor Grgić: “Performance Based Risk Informed Fire Modelling Evaluation of Electrical Equipment in Nuclear Power Plants”
Session 2 Operation and Maintenance Experience (OME)
Session 3 Nuclear Energy: Planning, Environment and Technologies (NEPET)
S3-164 Ninoslav Holjevac, Matej Krpan, Matija Zidar, Davor Grgić, Igor Kuzle: “Power Flows and System Dynamics Influence of NPP Krško Life Time Extension on Croatian Power System”
Session 4 Regulatory Practice and Emergency Preparedness (RPEP)
Session 5 Reactor Physics and Nuclear Fuel Cycle (RPNFC)
S5-153 Radomir Ječmenica, Davor Grgić, Paulina Dučkić: “Applicability of Legacy and New Calculation Tools for 2D Fuel Assembly Depletion as Defined by VERA Benchmark”
Session 6 Severe Accident Analyses and Risk Assessment (SAA)
S6-151 Davor Grgić, Vesna Benčik, Siniša Šadek, Paulina Dučkić: “Thermal Response of External Duct Piping in Case PCFV Actuation During Prolonged NEK SBO”
Session 7 Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning, Radiation Hazard and Protection (RWMD)
S7-152 Davor Grgić, Paulina Dučkić, Petra Strmečki, Juraj Milobar: “Thermal Model of HI STORM FW Cask for COBRA-SFS Code”