9th International Conference on
Nuclear Option In Countries With Small and Medium Electricity Grids
June 3-6, 2012 ZADAR, CROATIA |
In view of good response and success of the previous Dubrovnik conferences, devoted to the needs and interests of countries with small or medium nuclear systems and electricity grids, the HND's 2012 conference in Zadar will serve the same general purpose, concentrating on the topics which invited the most interest in previous conferences. It is the follow up conference again intended to save the needs and interests at this important and growing group of countries.
The Conference will consider the nuclear option from the point of view of national energy strategy, resources, costs, technological, organisational and educational requirements, and environmental advantages. It will also focus on matters related to operational safety, fuel cycle, waste management, and decommissioning.
The important goal of the Conference is to promote regional co-operation and exchange of experience in use of nuclear power and fuel cycle facilities among small or medium-sized countries with an interest in the nuclear option.
Oral presentations are available for viewing and dowloading here.
Instructions on how to arrive to Zadar have been posted to our "Venue" page.
A special Award Committee will review papers and presentations prepared by a first author aged below 36 years. The Committee will give the award for the best young authors contribution, so all candidates are kindly requested to indicate their intent to participate in this contest during registration on the registration desk in Hotel Kolovare, Zadar.
Authors who have been assigned to the poster session should prepare their posters in one-piece-paper. Dimension limits are: maximum width 84 cm and maximum height 160 cm (recommended 120 cm).
Posters should be brought to registration desk after arrival on Sunday evening, June 3rd (19:00-20:00) or on Monday morning, June 4th (8:30-9:00) so they could be prepared and presented in Poster area.
Posters will be exposed all days of the conference.
List of authors in poster session can be found at this location.
Conference schedule with complete list of papers and authors which will be presented through 7 invited lectures and 54 contributions is available at this location.
The conference venue is Hotel Kolovare in Zadar, situated within the walking distance from the historical and cultural sights of the Old Town of Zadar. Hotel booking is now opened. Especially favourable room rates had been arranged for registered participants of the Conference. Favourable prices for hotel reservations are guaranteed until Friday, 11 May 2012. Hotel rates and additional instructions for booking are provided in the Accommodation section of updated "For Participants" link.
The on-line conference management system ConfTool has been configured for participant’s registration and was opened today. If you are already a registered user in ConfTool (author, reviewer or committee member) please use your existing username and password. Otherwise please create a new account to register for the conference. Details are provided in the On-line Conference Registration section of updated "For Participants" link.
Abstract review process is finished. All authors and co-authors were notified by email about the status of their abstract. The result of this process is also visible through ConfTool.
New conference management system ConfTool has been recently established. All further conference activities are transferred to ConfTool which can be accessed through Conference Management Tool section on the right side or alternatively through the following link: www.conftool.net/HND2012/ .
Initial setup of user accounts and abstracts upload has been performed. Authors and co-authors should have received email notification on new user account. New user account should be validated by clicking on the link included in the message. Initial password was sent in a separate email. Please update your password and other relevant user data.
Second call for papers has been sent out.
First announcement and call for papers has been launched! For details follow the link: First Call for Papers.