HND2024 Conference Proceedings
Proceedings Info
Invited Presentations (IP)
IP-2 Danijel Levičar: “The role of Nuclear Energy in the Green Transition in Slovenia”
IP-3 Francesco D’Auria: “Perspective for Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics”
IP-4 Jozef Mišak: “Present Status and Near-Term Plans of Nuclear Power in the Czech Republic”
IP-5 Rodolphe Jobard: “Developing Nuclear Supply Chain and Resources for Nuclear Power Plants”
IP-6 Tomislav Plavšić, Boris Markota: “Transmission Grid Resilience to Support NPP Operation”
IP-7 Tomaž Nemec: “Third Periodic Safety Review of the Krško NPP – Basis for Extension of Plant Operating License and Transition to long-term Operation”
IP-8 Ivica Bašić: “DONES and ITER Projects Overview and Perspective”
IP-9 Luke Thomas: “Rolls-Royce SMR: Clean and Affordable Energy for All”
Panel Discussion (PD) Nuclear Energy in Climate Resilient, Low Carbon Energy Systems
PD-2 Tomislav Plavšić, Boris Markota: “Transmission Grid Resilience to Support NPP Operation”
Session 1 Nuclear Safety Analyses (NSA)
S1-109 Marwa A. Shewitah, Chris Allison, Ibrahim Ismail Ibrahim, Moustapha Salem Mansour, Mahmoud M. Taha, Ayah E. Elshahat: “Thermal Hydraulic Behaviour of Several Coolants during the Natural Convection in Plenum-to-Plenum Facility”
S1-154 Davor Grgić, Filip Novotny, Petra Strmečki, Paulina Družijanić: “Fuel Rod Performance Calculation for NPP Krsko Using FRAPCON and TRANSURANUS Codes”
S1-156 Štefica Vlahović, Davor Grgić, Siniša Šadek: “Radiation Heat Exchange between NPP Krško Steel Containment and Shield Building during Severe Accident”
Session 2 Operation, Maintenance and Lifetime Expansion Experience (OMLEE)
S2-101 Lenart Pušnik, Matija Guliš: “Implementation of Containment Inspection Program at NPP Krško”
S2-113 Hrvoje Lukačević, Barbara Vrdoljak Colo: “NPP Krško Alternative Residual Heat Removal (ARHR) System”
S2-123 Ana Stanić: “Review of Existing and Emerging Nuclear Newbuild Business Models”
S2-127 Rudi Čižmek, Bojan Božin: “Coding in Krško NPP Corrective Action Program”
S2-128 Juraj Milobar, Vedran Nikl, Roman Medvešek: “Overview of NEK Commercial Grade Dedication Process with Regard to Industry Lessons Learned”
S2-134 Darko Cicvarić: “Rod Position Indication System Upgrade at Krško NPP”
S2-136 Primož Vintar, Maja Mikec, Jaka Jenškovec, Gordan Janković, Peter Klenovšek: “Approach to Calculating Uncertainty of Instrument Channels in Nuclear Facilities: Case Study Presentation”
S2-148 Marko Budimir: “Current Challanges in Ultrasound Safety Inspections of Liquid Metal-Cooled Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)”
S2-164 Nataša Kovjanović, Bruno Bogatin, Gregor Škmorc, Amir Beširević: “Main Feedwater Flow Station Measurement Verification by Crossflow”
Session 3 Nuclear Option in the Context of Energy, Economics, Finance and Resilience (NEEFR)
S3-104 Luka Pavelić, Ivica Prlić, Branko Petrinec, Martina Dragičević: “Innovative Approaches in UAV-Based Environmental Radiation Monitoring: Exploring the Potential of the DJI Matrice M300 System”
S3-105 Ivica Prlić, Luka Pavelić: “Various Puzzles of Long-Standing Radioactive, NORM Residue, Issues at the Environmentally Valuable Location of Ex. Chemical Plant Facility “Jugovinil” at the Shores of Kaštela Bay – Solar Plant as Remediation Proposal”
S3-115 Luka Alujević, Ana Jukić: “Non-electric Applications for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)”
S3-124 Francesco D’Auria, Romney Duffey, Koroush Shirvan, Enrico Zio: “The Present and the Future of Nuclear Power Technology: An Opinion on Energy Policy, Competitive Concepts, Societal Safety and Acceptable Risk”
S3-126 Seokjean Lyou, Jinbok Cho, Si Hwan Kim, Joon-Ku Lee: “Development of Advanced Small Modular Reactors in Korea: A Promising Path toward Net-Zero Goals”
S3-146 Dinka Lale, Dubravko Pevec, Mario Matijević: “An Economy Aspect of Different Nuclear Energy Development Scenarios in the Future”
Session 4 Regulatory Practice and Emergency Preparedness (RPEP)
S4-116 Tomi Živko, Tomaž Nemec: “Activities in the Field of Small Modular Reactors in Slovenia”
Session 5 Reactor Physics and Nuclear Fuel Cycle (RPNFC)
S5-130 Mario Matijević, Andrea Kaselj, Krešimir Trontl: “ Calculation of Sievert Integral for Point-Kernel Shielding Applications”
S5-131 Mario Matijević, Matej Pekeč: “GBC-32 Cask Shielding Evaluation Using Hybrid Shielding
S5-133 Mario Matijević, Krešimir Trontl, Dubravko Pevec: “RPV Irradiation Simulation Using the Contributon Flux Solution”
S5-137 Marjan Kromar, Vid Merljak: “Applicability of the Industry Standards for the Determination
of the NPP Krško Decay Heat”
S5-143 Bojan Petrovic, Garrett Youngblood: “Automated Parallel Execution of SCALE/MAVRIC Replica Simulations”
S5-152 Radomir Ječmenica, Davor Grgić, Bojan Petrovic, Paulina Družijanić: “Benchmark Calculation of FHR Fuel Assembly Phase I-C Depletion Exercises”
S5-153 Davor Grgić, Nikola Novosel, Paulina Družijanić, Petra Strmečki: “Natural Heat Transfer Performance of Helium Filled Spent Fuel Multi Purpose Container Calculated for Different Initial Pressures”
S5-163 Paulina Družijanić, Radomir Ječmenica, Davor Grgić, Siniša Šadek: “Gamma Dose Rate Calculations for RCC4 and RCC8 Containers using Monte Carlo Codes”
Session 6 Severe Accident Analyses and Risk Assessment (SAA)
S6-112 Chris Allison, Raimon Pericas, Carlos Chavez, Heriberto Sánchez Mora, Noura Elsalamouny: “Development and Assessment of Advanced Severe Accident Models to Support the Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning R&D”
S6-150 Ivica Bašić, Ivan Vrbanić: “Severe Accident Management: Assessment of Time Window for
Performing RCS Depressurization”
S6-151 Petra Strmečki, Siniša Šadek, Davor Grgić: “Calculation and Uncertainty Quantification of the QUENCH-03 Experiment Simulation Using the ASYST Code”
S6-162 Zdenko Šimić: “Exploring the Use of Large Language Models in Human Reliability
Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges”
Session 7 Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning, Radiation Hazard and Protection (RWMD)
S7-102 Galla Uroić, Želimir Veinović, Mario Klanfar, Vjekoslav Herceg: “In-situ Simulation of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Effects on the Host Rock and Buffer Material – URF in St. Barbara Mine, Rude, Croatia”
S7-106 Andrea Rapić, LeonKegel: “Deep Borehole Disposal — Alternative Disposal Option for Spent
Fuel from the Krško NPP”
S7-108 Špela Mechora, Sandi Viršek: “Updates on LILW Disposal Facility in Slovenia”
S7-111 Heiko Herbell, Tobias Lopian, Frank Kostroun, Nikolaus Neudert: “Optimized Dismantling Methodology and Importance of Radiological Characterization”
S7-114 Simona Sučić, Marko Kostanjevec, Janez Vodopivec: “Slovenia’s Journey in Institutional Radioactive Waste Management”
S7-132 Davor Rašeta, Andrea Rapić, Branko Petrinec, Tomislav Bituh, Dinko Babić, Iva Franulović, Milica Kovačić, Petra Tagliaretti, Gorana Karanović, Željko Grahek, Ivana Tucaković, Martina Ivković, Željka Zgorelec, Ivan Širić, Nikica Šprem, Dragan Bubalo, Delko Barišić: “Assessing the Initial Radiological State of the Proposed Location for Croatia’s Radioactive Waste Management Centre”
S7-138 Luka Cavaliere Lokas: “Creation of a Structured Database and Preliminary Analysis of the
Measured Radiation Fields of Dry Stored Spent Fuel Elements”
S7-141 Goran Kukmanović: “Radioactive Waste Management Centre in Croatia”
Session 8 Safety Culture, Knowledge Management and Public Relations (SCPR)
S8-125 Sanda Pleslić, Eda Jovičić: “Role of Peer Assist in Nuclear Knowledge Management”
S8-129 Marko Habijanec, Krešimir Trontl: “Preliminary Bibliometric Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Methods Applied to In-Core Fuel Management and Radioactive Waste Management”
S8-142 Lara Topol: “Evolving Excellence: The Dynamic Journey of Nuclear Operator Procedures and Training”
S8-155 Krešimir Trontl, Željko Tomšić, Mario Matijević: “Student Perception of the Nuclear Education – Preliminary Croatian Case Study”